Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 1

Monday morning, since it was crummy weather again, mom and Rissa were talking about driving part of the way home and then staying in a hotel. But after I got up I convinced them that we should stay in the campsite another night, which was actually a decision I would come to regret, even though I didn't know it at the time. We had a very slow morning eating pancakes by the fire, and watching every person in the campground except one other family pack up and leave, since they're weekend was over.

We talked to this family for a little bit, and they were very nice, I think from Canada (maybe not originally, but that's where they live now). They were telling us about their pop-up trailer, which is something that mom has being considering getting, so we were hearing details and getting a little tour. It was really a nice the gig, that would definitely solve the problem of Ben having a bad back.

Then we went to do the Avalanche Lake Trail again, because we wanted Larissa to see it, and I wanted to take some pictures. We set off, even though it was pretty chilly and took lots of pictures, even climbing down the rocks to get better angles. Larissa got some really pretty pictures, that we called postcard pictures since they were so perfect; like something that you'd see on a postcard for the park. When we got to the lake, mom and I were surprised that snow coated the hills that the day before had been completely bare. It made some really pictures though, and I can't say that I was disappointed.

When we got back to the campsite we just took it easy and sat around the fire reading and doing some work books about the park. It cooled off very quickly then, and we started to cook dinner. Earlier that morning we'd gone around and collected fire wood from the deserted campsites, and we had a huge bonfire that night. It was really fun, and we had perfect embers for marshmallows, but then it seemed that our luck ran out because it started to rain.

We finished up the marshmallows and started to put the fire out, and mom moved the tent because she was afraid we'd wake up in water where it was. We all went to sleep happily, but then I was rudely awakened in the middle of the night by mom, who was convinced that she'd heard a growl, and wouldn't get back to sleep in the tent or let either me or Rissa stay in there. So we all crowded into the car to sleep, which was really uncomfortable.

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