Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 22

Yesterday I woke up early for the first time since May. I had to be at school by 7:30 and I was more awake than I thought I would be at that time. I was planning on going and talking really quickly with Mrs. Kapsak, and then leaving, but that didn't really happen. It was mostly because I forgot that Mrs. Kapsak is pretty much always slow and never early, unlike most of the teachers. It ended up being ok though, because I got a tour of the school from Sarah P, and I was really impressed.

It actually looks like a normal school now, and the library's really nice.Of course everybody jumped on me to hug me again, but it was really fun just to be back in the school even if I wasn't allowed to go to class and everything looks different. There's even so many new teachers I can't really keep track of it all, and have no idea what any of them teach. Everybody wanted me to go to class with them when first period started. I went to PE to talk 2 some people, and then walked up and down the halls until Mrs. Kapsak was done introducing a movie to the pixies and could talk to me.

When I finally started to talk to her, she wasn't very organized and so it took all of first period to get communication settled and a little bit of logistics. That's about it. It was still really cute to watch her with the pixies though. She loves her job so much, and she was really enthusiastic about me being in NJHS. I wish I could have stayed a little bit longer to visit some more classes and teachers and people, but I couldn't since I had to go get shots for India, and Rissa wasn't feeling very good at all.

We went to the hospital and got to listen to dad talk about all the medications that we had to get or take while in India for about half an hour. Luckily I only had do take four shots instead of more than that, but since I'm deathly afraid of needles I started crying anyway. My arm is still a little sore, but if it keeps me healthy in the long run I guess it's worth it.

I spent most of the rest of the afternoon catching up on homework. It passed pretty quickly and then dad drove me over the the East Boulder Rec Center for Meaghan's birthday party. Cierra bought necklaces for both of us. Mine says friends and her's says forever, and they're matching, so that's really sweet. We went swimming for a while and did laps in the pool and just generally had a lot of fun.When I got home I watched the Olympics (track and field and men's diving) which continues to amaze me. I want to take up either ski racing or running because I love them so much, and these Olympians really encourage me to achieve my dreams. And then, who knows, maybe that will help me train for making it to the top of Mt. Everest when I'm older.

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