Friday, August 22, 2008

August 21

The last morning of our camping trip I still didn't feel well at all. I forced myself to eat some breakfast since we were hiking out, but I didn't really want to. We packed up camp quickly, but were in no rush. We took a leisurely pace out, but it was still a lot faster than the walk in. We ran into a lot more people, and I enjoyed it a lot more because I started to feel better, and my pack didn't feel like it was weighing me down. Always a good thing.

Even so, we got out to the car a little later than we might have liked, and so rushed at Goodtimes and driving so that we could be back at home in time to take a shower before hurrying off again to go visit Dr. Colletti. I was not at all disappointed when we got there, as I received the news that I will be having my LAST orthodontist appointment in December. (If everything goes according to plan that is.) Of course I will have to wear my retainer for many years, but only one night a week now! Though I am grateful to them for straightening out my smile, I wish it could have happened with only one set of braces, and I am very glad that after seven years I am finally done.

From there, we came back to Boulder and I met Andie and Conner at Abo's, which was our tradition for most of seventh grade (Thursday pizza). It was almost like old times, except of course I couldn't do much besides listen when they started talking and complaining about school. Then Andie and I went back to her house while Conner went swimming, and I finally got to see her pool! It is really cool, and I was a little disappointed that we couldn't go swimming since it was literally 95 F height out, but that's ok. I still had fun catching up with her.

I left at about six to come home and have dinner and unpack etc. I ended up spending most of the time doing some catch-up school work. Then we ate dinner, and Rissa started feeling bad. We got to watch the Olympics for the first time in a couple days, and it was fun because we watched the American Men's Beach Volleyball team of Phil Dalhausser and Todd Rogers also win the gold medal. There's was hard earned as early on in the match the Americans didn't look so good against the Brazilian Team. When I finally went to bed I didn't have any allergy medicine so I got all sniffly and puffy eyed.

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