Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 9

In the early part of the morning mom, Larissa and I went to Christians Spanish Academy to take placement exams for our Spanish lessons which will begin Monday. We will go for four hours every morning for two weeks, and then after that we're not sure. Other than that, since the weather was still really crummy and we still hadn't seen the sun since we left the U.S, we stayed inside all day. Looking at the forecast, our moods didn't really brighten, since it predicted 10 mores days with rain and clouds and not sun.We got a lot of schoolwork done, though my Computer is still the only one is the house that doesn't have Internet without plugging into the wall. Since Ben has to do a lot of work, and his is the only computer that the Internet sharing set-up works on, his computer is plugged in 99% of the time, because that enables both Larissa's and Mom's computer to work better. Tomorrow morning we plan on walking early because it will probably only be cloudy and not wet and rainy yet.

The only really exciting thing that happened yesterday was we almost had a flash flood again because it rained so hard for so long.

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