Friday, September 12, 2008

September 9-12

Larissa and I settled back into our normal routine of Home schooled life: Get up in the morning, eat breakfast (at lunch time), do school work for four hours, mom gets home and we make dinner and maybe watch a movie, and then go to bed. Since I finished my algebra book, reasonably confident I remembered a lot of it, I don't have much to do. Mom printed out the Democratic and Republican Platforms, which are alright to read if you don't plan on doing it for four hours. As it is though, I'm not enough into politics that that keeps me awake, so I end up learning the geography of Asia and Africa instead. Friday is mom's last day at work though, so hopefully things will pick up a little.

Larissa and I did our typical art class on Tuesday, which was really fun. There was nobody else there, and the person who runs it, Patty, was glad to have the company. We used up the rest of our clay, and I made a plate that I'm very proud of. For me, starting out with no specific plan always works better, because then I can't get disappointed when it doesn't look like the picture in my head. Also, I get ideas as I work, not as a stare at a lump of clay or sheet of paper with nothing on it. I am very glad we've been doing the art class, because it gives us something else to do, somewhere else to go. I will definitely be sorry to leave that.

On Thursday night there was a party raising money for breast cancer funds, and, as in the typical nature of this town, there was something going on so the whole town was there. Now that still isn't THAT many people, but it's a lot of people to have in one little workshop at a little event on a Thursday afternoon. Needless to say, it was very successful and many sketches, cups and other items where sold. It would have been more fun for me and Larissa if we had known some other people there. As it was, mom knew most people there, and Larissa and I knew two, who were both busy doing other things. Of course it doesn't help that we both get claustrophobic and then grumpy. We went home early, and to bed.

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