Monday, August 11, 2008

Assignments: Day 1

6. Think about some things you want to accomplish between now and May 2009. Write a list of 10 goals. They can be a mix of sights you want to see, places you want to go, etc. But the list should include some things you want to learn also. For now, assume that we'll be in India this fall and somewhere in Central/South America next spring.

  1. See the Taj Mahal and learn more about the story of the Empress it was built for, as well as the Emperor who built it.
  2. Research the government of India, and discover how there is room for corrupt politicians, and explore possible solutions for the poverty crisis.
  3. Learn more about the culture of Nepal through trekking experiences.
  4. Learn to speak Hindi, at least enough to get by with common, everyday phrases, questions and words.
  5. Learn more about Hinduism and the people that practice it through meeting and talking to them. As well as learning how to dress in traditional Indian style.
  6. Go to Rajasthan and Mount Abu.

  7. Learn to speak Spanish fluently. Preferably like someone my age and not a little five-year-old.
  8. Learn a little bit about all the differences and similarities between the countries in Central America and (separate) those in South America. I.E. their governments, lifestyles etc...
  9. Explore the volcano at Antigua, Guatemala.
  10. Go camping in the Andes in Chile! (Probably with a guide, pack mule etc...)
  11. Spend a day or two each at Easter Island, Punta Arenas, Antofagasta, Arica and Ancud, Chile.
  12. Visit the Lake of the Incas and the Patagonia region (the national parks, glaciers etc...)
  13. Stay in Santiago and explore the Bellavista neighborhood, the Alameda and musems.
  14. Go to Temuco and explore the Lake District.
  15. This is a good website to start for Chile:

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