Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Constru Casa 2

I'm not sure about anybody else, but for me, the second week of the Constru Casa seemed to fly by way to quickly. A lot of time this week though we didn't have much to do, and so we sat around more because there were fewer and fewer things we could do or help Thomas and Cesar do, and less and less room for 7 people to work in. Obviously I didn't feel as tired this week, and so it was really fun and satisfying to finish the house.

I'm not sure I mentioned it, but the family has an adorable little puppy. We think it's a cocker spaniel mix, and it's the cutest little thing. We got to play with him (Bobby) a lot, as well as a lot of the little kids. As time went on, they became more and more comfortable around us and liked to watch us work and ask us question and just talk. It was really, really cute. Much to our surprise, we finished the house in only two weeks, and it's actually really nice. At first I thought I would hate to live in a concrete house, and it's still not my first choice, but I'm not as against it as I was at the beginning.

Friday we only had to work a half day, because we were just putting on the roof quickly and sweeping the house out etc...for the formal presentation to the family. Both the mom and the dad got the day of work, which is really unusual and hard for them to do, so that they could help make lunch for us, and thank us. It was a real honor, and the only way they could thank us. We had cake with the Constru Casa staff, and then lunch with the family. I felt really good. All to soon though, it was over and my days are relaxed again. I miss the constant hard schedule to be completely honest.

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