Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 1 (Assignment)

Today Mom, Larissa and I drove over to Palisades Creek in Swan Valley to go on a hike and then have a picnic lunch. We were studying physical education and art (of taking pictures) today. :) The hike was gorgeous, and we went eight miles into a lake along a river. Larissa and I both took a bunch of pictures of the colorful fall leaves. At the end of the day we stopped at a gas station that had world famous square ice cream. Larissa and I were underwhelmed to say the least. The cones and everything were exactly the same, but they used a square scoop. It really wasn't that exciting, and the ice cream wasn't very good either.

A Hike
Driving to the trail head
With the crunch of gravel under the wheels.
A slight chill before starting out
That disappears within minutes on the move.
Walking through a forest with leaves on fire
The reds, yellows, and oranges lighting the whole landscape.
Suddenly the cry of a little bird
Disturbs the peaceful silence.
Turning around the corner
The roar and crash of a river is audible.
The swish of a little breeze
Tumbling down the canyon and nearly knocking off a hat.
Sitting on a rock by the stream
The sun shining down and slowly baking everything in sight.
Leaves float to the ground
And crackle under foot on the last legs of the journey.
Finally arriving at the destination
The quack of ducks on the water fill the air.
Little caterpillars crawl across the path
Orange in color and matching the leaves all around.
A chipmunk suddenly darts away
Causing a small bird to scold and scream.
Peaceful sounds that form autumn.

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